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Showing posts from July, 2012

The Miscarriage: : the Mini Confinement after Miscarriage

When it comes to confinement following a miscarriage, there are 101 versions of old wives tales to confuse you. There're people who say (such as doctors and gynaes), since the pregnancy period is short, less than 3 months, it didn't affect our body much so we actually do not need to do confinement. But my gynae did mention that of course i can try to avoid the cold, icy stuffs still. And then there will be the extreme ones who'd think going through a miscarriage is more damaging to a woman's body than giving birth itself and hence one must observe the rules of confinement and the best is to do it for 2 weeks. But think about this, where on earth to get 2 weeks mc? we are only entitled 14 days mc a year leh... And then there's the reasonable ones and I'm blessed that both my mother and mother-in-law and even my brother's mother-in-law, who runs a chinese medical hall (TCM) belongs to this group. So naturally, i fall into this group as well. According...

The Miscarriage: : D & C Procedure

As mentioned, we've opted for the D&C (Dilation & Currettage) procedure which is very much like an abortion it's just that the foetus is no longer alive. I thought I will not need to go through the pain of bad cramps and heavy bleeding, passing out tissue and weird, gooey, organ-looking like stuffs down there and wondering if it'd choke the toilet flush or something..but gosh was I wrong. Was given 2 pills to take orally to dilate the cervix before heading down for my surgery 3 hours later. Oh man, the pills took effect as soon as 5 minutes later, i feel cramp like I've never felt before, it's 10 times worse than period cramps can! i wonder if that's what they call labour-like cramps as well? its sharp and painful and it doesn't come on and off, it's so bad i have to lie down in bed and my body felt weak all over. Decided to take a shower and wash my hair before going down since i'm not able to wash my hair for two days later on a...

The Miscarriage: The Worst Friday the 13th ever - our baby's heart stopped beating

it was all so ironic, when we were so excited and looking forward to see Lil. Bun on Friday the 13th, last friday, for our regular check up at the gynae's. Anyway since blog posts were dated from most recent to older posts, you'll be seeing our loss of lil bun before even knowing oh so i was pregnant. It was over as quickly as it started, just like how quick we were to conceive and how lucky we were to conceive during our honeymoon period and just when we thought we were in time to catch a late dragon baby, things are not meant to be. The last ultrasound showed that there isn't any heartbeat anymore and in fact i was supposed to be at 10 weeks but the foetus size shows that it stopped growing at 8 weeks. It was a complete shock to us as i was still having all the pregnancy symptoms then as described in my previous post. I wasn't having any spotting or bleeding anymore, let alone any pain or cramps. Gynae was quite surprised that i am not experiencing all those...

The Miscarriage: @ 10 weeks preggie with lil bun

Image source: This should be how our little bun should look like now at 10 weeks..that is not our lil bun's image though, got it off the net. Going to see gynae again this Friday. We’re both so excited and looking forward that we can see our lil bun again. Hopefully this time round the scan will be as clear as the above picture. The previous time cos my bladder was quite empty, we only manage to catch a blinking thingy that we were told was the heart beat and that’s about it. Morning sickness Just when I was told that morning sickness peaks at week 8 – week 10, mine somehow worsens at the 10 th week. Was feeling so bloated for the past few days, I couldn’t complete a single full meal. The only proper meal I’ve eaten yesterday was a bowl of cereal with milk..hmm…and if you include the chee cheong fun I had in the morning for breakfast hehz.. I have to skip dinner as well cos I was just too bloated to eat… My reaction to food seemed to ...

The Miscarriage: the BFP

I'm going to draft this post here in case my memory of the existing feelings failed me a month by the time you see this post, i've safely entered my 2nd trimester! so this is going to be a long post as i'm going to compile the first trimester into one post hehz... Oh yes, it's a big fat positive!! but that's like after I've used to strip for the 3rd time haha... Reason for drafting this and posting only now is pretty obvious eh, most people do not announce their pregnancy till they've safely entered the 2nd trimester so if you see this post, it means i've safely entered the 2nd trimester. Do to the high risk of miscarriage these days, like 1 in 5 pregnancy end up with a miscarriage, most people choose not to share the news too soon, for Chinese some call it pantang but for the modernized society I think it's more of a getting everybody excited about it and building that expectation in everyone and if *touch wood* anything goe...