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Showing posts from November, 2013

Breastfeeding Journey: All about Expressed Breast Milk - EBM

been wanting to write a post on this to keep as a memory of my " milking journey"  but argh it's been so outdated that i've forgotten some details. anyway sadly, I'm unable to latch Sticky Bean as she's too used to being bottle fed while in NICU. Also when she was discharged, the PD advised for me not to latch her on yet, being a premature baby, her sucking reflex may not be as strong and so is her breathing, so it's safer to bottle feed, hence i became an exclusive pumping mummy.. my milk did not come in till after day 5, was so stressed up with the milk initially as the nurses and PD has been asking if i have any breastmilk for her whenever we visit baby ashlene at NICU. During the first 3-4 days all i had was just vapours around the funnel when i pump, that is oh so demoralizing! and finally from day 5 i started having tiny bit of droplets! and so my milk supply grew from this...(PD say even droplets 5ml, 10 ml also good lolx) to this ...