And so I wanted to introduce the concept of differentiating between sizes to Sticky Bean. This activity was first introduced to her when she was 25 months. Now at 30 months, she's able to complete this without mistakes and it proved too simple for her. Got these lovely farm animals printables for free and printed them out. I do not have a laminator at home, hence I used the cheapo but time consuming method of pasting scotch tape over the cut outs, both front and back to make them reusable for a few more times. Initially, Sticky Bean was confused and doesn't really understand what she need to do. She tend to put identical animals together. This went on for 2 or 3 sessions and I've to tell her and repeatedly show her this is big, and that is small. Big goes here, small goes there. By the 4th session, she managed to get it! *phewz finally** Perfect activity to get toddlers to do sorting and differentiate sizes. Do feel free to download these FREE printables ...