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20 Weeks Detailed (anomaly) Scan at Novena Medical Ctr

Ok, I know I’m supposed to do a more detailed post in our detailed scan last week but on second thoughts, I’ve decided against posting ultrascan images of our sticky bean. Again, pantang….sorry…but hey most babies look similar on the ultrascan anyway. 20 Weeks Detailed (anomaly) Scan at Novena Medical Ctr

So we went to Novena Medical Centre for our detailed ultra scanning as Thomson Medical is fully booked.
I didn’t realized the one at Novena Medical Centre is actually under Thomsonsmedical as well.

There’s hardly any waiting time at all, minus the registration part and the detailed scan costs us $140++.
My appointment is at 12pm, we reached about 10 minutes earlier so after registration is done, our ultrascan started on time at 12pm.

There’s about 3 ultrascan rooms over there if I didn’t recall wrongly.

The sonographer seemed pretty experience and quite friendly, she’s talking most of the time, perhaps we were way too quiet for comfort as we were worried about the ultrasound since my amniotic fluid was on the low side.

So they did the typical measurements on baby’s limbs, head, stomach and everything is fine except for the head.
Not sure is it due to the low amniotic fluid at early stage, sticky bean’s head is on the flat side, instead of looking a nice, round shape. =(
However gynae, Dr James Lee, kept reassuring us that is perfectly fine and baby’s head shape will change either later in pregnancy or even after baby is form.

Hope it will change soon and not affect her looks.

-          Brain : looks good
-          Kidney: looks good, as in it’s there, sonographer say from scan cant really tell if kidney is working a not but the fact the amniotic fluid went back to normal, it probably suggest that there’s enough urine produced by sticky bean!
-          Spine and posture : looks good, this was among the hardest to capture other then the gender as sticky bean was lying so comfortably in a face down position, legs bent, hardly moving much during the scan other then swinging her legs or arms from time to time
-          Heart: looks good as well
-          Nasal bone seen, no cleft lip detected
-          Umbilical cord: normal with 3 blood vessels

All in all, the results still made us extremely happy from then on.
I still can’t get over how sticky bean listened to mummy’s plea for her to straighten her legs for a while and she did so immediately. Ain’t it amazing? Does baby really understand what you’re telling them when they are in the tummy?

Of cos following the excitement, I’ve been surfing online almost daily for clothes and relevant items for sticky bean..gosh I really ought to stop before I get out of control!
20 Weeks Detailed (anomaly) Scan at Novena Medical Ctr

Another milestone completed:
I’ve booked my post natal massage lady, recommended by my sister-in-law who’s giving birth to her 2nd child in October.
Apparently her then looking 5 mths preggie tummy after giving birth reduced so much in size after the massage done by this malay lady and her charges are really reasonable at $50 per session.

The ones I’ve seen at motherhood expo charges from $80 per session loh.

At 21 weeks now, sticky bean's movements has became more and more obvious, albeit still seemed a little like fluttering but definitely can feel it very much obviously now.
it became more regular and fixed at certain hours too, she tend to move lesser in the morning and start to move more in the evening and alot more at night when i'm lying in bed.
it's an amazing feeling inside you, whenever i feel sticky bean and if i'm driving or at home, i'll talk to sticky bean to acknowledge her presence.

these days, seem to have problem falling asleep at night and waking up in the morning though, the fatigue feeling is crawling back again, tend to feel tired and sleepy at work in the late afternoon and start to stone from there onwards.

our next gyane check up is in another 3 weeks, at 24 weeks preggie. can't wait to see sticky bean again and hope she's growing well, shall continue to drink lots of water in the meantime. 20 Weeks Detailed (anomaly) Scan at Novena Medical Ctr


  1. Hi! Do you still have the contact number for your post natal massage?

  2. Hi... Thanks for this detailed article ... Can you provide the number of the lady who did post natal massage ?


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