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Our Taiwan Child Friendly Itinerary Day 1 - HsinChu

Our Taiwan Child Friendly ItineraryDay 1: Singapore > Taoyuan Airport > Greenworld Eco Farm> Beipu Old str > Chenghwan Temple Night Market>  1 night stay in Hsin Chu

Thanks to the wonderful flight timings flying with Singapore Airlines, we head off to the airport at 6 ish since our flight is at 0820 am. Stick bean was so excited she didn't snooze in bed at all.

We got to the airport in a breeze (3 minutes of waiting), oh how I love Uber! I'd still remember the good old days where it's so difficult to hail a taxi to get you to the airport in the wee hours of the morning.

We're some 2 hours before our flight - good! That means we can take our time to have breakfast and sashay to the boarding gate then. I love Changi Airport and especially terminal 3. The process were all so smooth, met by courteous staff who'd spend a few seconds more just saying hi or bye to Sticky Bean.

Mr. Keir quickly grabbed a pram the moment we cleared the immigrations. When Sticky Bean and I cleared the immigrations, there Mr. Keir was, shoving the pram in our way. How efficient! hahaa...

 That's Sticky Bean enjoying her breakfast - a hard boiled egg while we devour our Japanese breakie - bento for Mr. Keir and ramen for me, individually.

At our boarding gate, awaiting to board our flight.

Look! Our very first set of Lularoe Mommy and Me leggings. Ain't they lovely. Love them!!

Of all toys, we least expected her to want to bring the rubber duckie with her for our Taiwan Trip. I was kind of anticipating that she will want to bring her doll instead. But about surprise..haha.

Keeping her busy with a sticker activity book which definitely makes travelling so much easier. Once the plane takes off and the entertainment is on, she can be entertained then.

A happy family wefie!

Sucking on a lolly - a must bring for flights to ease an earache. Sticky Bean was shocked when she realised that she cannot 'hear her own voice'. - that was what she said. Actually, shocked was an understatement, she was scared. I've to constantly give her water and remind her to swallow her saliva, reassure her and gave her the lolly. That helps. In fact, on the flight home, she asked for the lolly to ease her earache when the flight was about to take off.

Arrived in Taoyuan airport at 13.30

Getting a SIM Card at the airport
Upon your arrival, you will see a long Q at the counter selling SIM card, this is before you clear the immigrations.
You can skip this Q and proceed to clear the immigrations. Upon exiting the immigrations, you walk towards your right and you should be able to spot another counter selling SIM cards too. It's more worth it to purchase a SIM card than renting any wifi egg/router and the speed is a lot faster as well. A SIM card with unlimited data for 7 days cost us $18 or so if I didn't remember wrongly.

A small kiddy play area while waiting for Daddy to settle the SIM card purchase in the nearby counter.

It was 14.30 when we went to meet our driver for the day at the airport. The original driver wasn't available for today. Immediately, we set off to HsinChu.

image from followmywanders

Our first destination is Greenworld Ecological Farm in HsinChu, recommended by our driver cum tour guide. I wasn't quite expecting this place to be located in a mountainous region so the route there was pretty challenging. I'm not sure if it's a blessing in disguise that our last meal was a couple of hours back on the plane, so that saved us from puking in the car.

Anyway, this is the part where I've overlooked. I didn't calculate the time of arrival at Greenworld Ecological farm and slot in perhaps a tea break time for us. We reached Greenworld Ecological Farm only at 3:30pm. Where we missed the last session of the Alpaca's roaming time on the grassland, which was the highlight of this place!!

image from Wikimedia

In fact, we missed all of the shows as well, no wonder it was so quiet especially when we went in only at 3:30pm, the last show was at 3:30pm which I didn't notice, by the time we're near the show, we rushed in on time to hear them say Goodbye!

The tickets were on the pricey side as well, relative to the content and what you can do in the park. It ranges from NT$380 SGD18 for adult and NT$320 for a child above 3 or 90cm and above. ($15). Click here to check out their website and for full details of the park and its area. The website doesn't do justice to the place though. They have so much more things than what was being shown on their website.

Alright, since we're already here, might as well make the most out of it right? When we entered the park, Mr. Keir must have gotten so hungry that he suggested us to eat something first but the food stalls were all closing! Oh man, a hungry man is an angry man. I felt bad, no one should go hungry especially when on a vacation!

I should have factored that in and perhaps gotten a bento to eat in the car on the way here. 
So if you're headed to Greenworld Ecological Farm in Hsinchu as well, the best bet will be to bring your own food.

It was almost like a dead town with most of the stalls closed, even the makeshift drinks stall as well. The place will be closed at 5:30pm but hey it's only 3:30pm when we reached. I wasn't quite expecting the stalls to close this early.

Other than that it's a huge place with lots of sitting areas and greenery for families to enjoy a picnic on a lovely weathered day.

On a positive note, the weather has been really kind to us! The temperature dropped so it was about 25-26 degree. Very comfortable weather to be out in the open and roaming about.

A pond with lots of ducks, swans and even pelicans! - that pelican is real, it's not a statue, in case you're wondering.

Sticky Bean spotted her first animal and at such proximity! This duck very much mind his own business and ignored us.

Check out this huge pelican - who can get pretty aggressive from what I've read.
He was swimming in the pond and must have noticed us taking photos, then he swam out of the water, came stalking towards us quickly as though to chase us away. Needless to stay, we made sure that we keep a distance from this guy here.

This is taken before the pelican in the water spot us and come after us..

The lovely grassland where the house of Alpacas sits.

Sticky bean enjoying the nature. Really love how spacious this place is. Fresh air, tons of them.

Silly me didn't take a photo of this enclosure entrance before we enter but if I didn't recall wrongly, this is the Biodiversity Adventure area where you get to see reptiles, tortoises and some feathered friends.

They've tons of tortoises and huge ones!

Sticky Bean peeping at the flamingoes.

Sticky Bean was the only lucky one who managed to eat something - we brought her snacks along. Lucky her! Sat on the bench for a short break while watching the Alpacas.

Apparently, the restrooms in Greenworld Ecological Farm is one of the attractions on its own too! Mine, I must say it was really different from other kinds of restroom I've visited. Even though the Singapore Zoo tried to make the restroom as outdoor and close to nature as possible, nothing beats the restrooms in Greenworld Ecological Farm.

Look at this Osyer shell! Its actually a wash basin. Love the colours used on the wall and the pebbled cum sand flooring. Even Sticky Bean was fascinated by the restroom.

And so Mr. Keir took a photo of the urinals in the gents. He must have found it amusing too, peeing into nature.

Thankful for the map

There's a hidden gem in Greenworld Ecological Farm!  This little area is a must go if you have young children. We almost missed this place till I looked at the map and insisted I want to get to the little animals zone. It's all the way up a steep hill! There's a lot of trekking if you're exploring the whole area.
Alternatively, you can pay for a buggy ride to your destination as well. But we're too lazy to walk back to the buggy station hence we just climbed up the slope.

Tadah all the little animal roam around freely in this area! 
A huge variety of guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, peacocks even the mini Deer!

A mouse deer minding her own business and ignoring us. Guess the animals here are very used to having humans around

I managed to cuddle a rabbit and let Sticky Bean try stroking it. Didn't allow her to carry it though just in case she drops it.

Alright, I never knew porcupines were THIS big!

Beipu Old Street - dinner

We spent about 2 hours there tired from all the trekking and famished as well. Left for Beipu old Street for dinner!
Thankfully Beipu old street is a short 10 minutes drive from Greenworld Ecological Farm - if you take the shortcut, a narrow winding road along the mountain. that's kinds of scary actually, especially when there's only enough room for one vehicle and you head-on with another on-coming vehicle from the opposite direction.

Hsinchu is famous for its Hakka heritage and cuisine so we had Hakka food for dinner. This shop is famous for its Ban Tiao.  Basically, it tastes similar to our soup Kway Teow. Thank god for that, it was one of Sticky Bean's favourite too.

A quick stroll nearby post dinner
This temple is at least a century old

That's Sticky Bean for you. Always warming up to others quickly and then insisting that the person holds her hand instead of us. =____=. She's holding onto our driver's hand

Beipu Old street definitely has a charm on its own but you can always skip this place and won't miss much. Not sure if again, it's a weekday but the place is really quiet when we were there with most of the shops closed. The driver was saying that this place only comes alive on weekends.

19.00 hrs Check-in at WeGo Boutique Hotel Hsin Chu
image from
This is actually a car motel so you can check in at the drive in when you're still seated in your car. A totally different experience which I highly recommend to all of you. Check-in was a breeze and they allow you to choose the theme of your room only upon check in. I'm so glad that one of my choices were still available. It comes with a little swing in the room as well.

The room rates were so reasonable, we took the Deluxe room which is a lot bigger than the standard room. All rooms come fully equipped with a huge jacuzzi, tv by jacuczzi and a steambath too! All these at just $130 per night inclusive of breakfast.

The best part is, we can drive all the way up to our room! No need to mangle with our pieces of luggage woohoo.

Lovely dining area. I love this area so much! 

that's the door leading to the garage where one can park their car.

Sticky Bean helped herself to the swing the moment we entered the room. Complimentary beverages and snacks as well.

They even provide potable water, which was the first I've ever come across in a hotel.

love the 'anna-sui' lookalike bottles

They provide all kinds of toiletries, if fact much more than you can ask for!
A separate kit for ladies and another one for men.

Inside the ladies kit, sanitary pad, a panty liner, disposable panties, shower cap, contact lens case and saline solution, a huge hair clip and hair tie, hair brush..etc

Inside the Gents kit, disposable briefs, comb, razor, shaving cream, soap, cotton tips.

now they even have essential oil for you to use in the steam bath - didn't get to try though.

and of course, they have this too, for those who doesn't want to make babies. =p

If you're staying here with kids, do take note that they offer adult channels on demand as well. So you may like to keep the remote off the hands of the kids.

Cheng Hwan Temple Night Market
image from travelking

As highlighted in my Taiwan Kids Friendly Trip Itinerary preview, all of the accommodations I've chosen to stay are walking distance to a night market or famous food street.

WeGo Boutique Hotel in HsinChu is 8-10minutes walk away from the famous Cheng Hwan Template Night market.

After freshening up and resting in the room, we made our way to Cheng Hwan Miao Night Market. The cool weather makes the stroll even lovelier though it's a bit dangerous to walk along their street as they do not have proper pavements for pedestrians, often times we find ourself walking along the road.

So this is the infamous Cheng Hwan Miao Night Market. When you see this junction, you'd spot the night market. 

Tons of food choices and we went for a simple dinner of oyster omelette, some soup and dabao some of the street food back to the room to enjoy.

Doesn't this look inviting? 

Shower cum steam bath room

Ended the night with a nice long soak in the jacuzzi tub. Sticky Bean had a wonderful time playing in the jacuzzi tub. It's a pity we're staying here for just one night but really, there ain't much in HsinChu to stay any longer too.

The main reason we're popping by Hsinchu is the highlight of tomorrow the Leofoo Village!

Review of Day 1 Taiwan Kids Friendly Trip: 
If I were to do this again I will skip Greenworld Ecological Farm and head to Windows on China, which is also in Hsin Chu instead. If we did not miss the Alpaca's roaming session, my answer may have been different. So depending on your timing as well. The last session for Alpaca Roaming is at 3:00pm. I should have planned for the driver to drop us somewhere to get bento sets where we can eat on the way to the destination so Mr. Keir & I don't have to go hungry. It requires a lot of energy to explore Greenworld Ecological Farm.
WeGo Boutique Hotel made up for everything though. Love love love the room so much.


  1. Don't forget to check out my Taiwan Child Friendly Itinerary Preview here.

  2. Hi! May I know when did you go to Taiwan? Was it in april? As I'm thinking of going in april but wondering if it will be too hot ..

    1. Hello! We went Taiwan in early May and the weather was ok. It was a good 25 degree and became slightly warmer around 27 - 29 degree towards the end of the week

  3. this is my repeated visits to your Taiwan blog. as we are thinking of going to Taiwan again and we need an itinerary with 2 young kids in mind... :) Love your blog detailing even small little details (e.g mountainous road to Greenworld Eco Farm and small windy shortcut to Beipu Old Street ) which is important for me as I can plan my itinerary for my kids especially for our baby... Not to forget, I enjoy seeing the photos that you have taken as well! :)

    1. Hello happymummy, thank you so much for your kind comments. I'm glad that you found my blog post helpful.
      Yes, I can imagine travelling with 2 young kids and by car. Even though we only travelled with 1, but the mountainous car ride to Cingjing was one of the reason we forgot the place altogether.
      We love Taiwan so much too, in fact, we just came back from a Okinawa - Taiwan trip in March 2018. I'm still working on the blogpost and will share information on this blog soon :)


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