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Kaohsiung Kids Friendly Itinerary Day 1: Singapore > Kaohsiung Airport > Dream Mall > Hoya Resort > Youth Night Market

Day 1: Singapore > Kaohsiung Airport > Dream Mall > Hoya Resort > Youth Night Market
Accommodation: 2 nights stay in Hoya Resort

It's our virgin experience taking Scoot and spent weeks before our Kaohsiung Trip pre-empting Sticky Bean about the lack of entertainment system in flight. Luckily we had a pleasant experience taking Scoot to Kaohsiung. The flight was punctual, albeit a full flight. Sticky Bean was well behaved throughout the 4-hour flight gadget-less.
The flight was a little too bright and early for our liking though, it's scheduled to depart at 7 am. We reached Kaohsiung before 12 noon. Our arrival was delayed slightly due to the strong wind at Kaohsiung Airport.

Tip #1: Forget about your Changi airport egg wifi rental, get a SIM card at Kaohsiung Airport, it cost SGD20+ with talk time and unlimited data. You can use this SIM card as a hotspot and share with your family

patiently waiting for the train

We arrived at  Kaohsiung Airport at 12 noon and made our way to Hoya Resort Hotel Kaohsiung, 高雄富野外度假酒店, via MRT & LRT (4 stops away). If you don't mind 10-15 minutes walk, you can also alight at Kaisyan MRT stop and walk to the hotel.

How to get to Hoya Resort Kaohsiung from Kaohsiung Airport

  • Take train from Kaohsiung Airport to Kaisyan / Ciangjin station
  • Exit from the MRT station to get to the LRT station. The LRT station is above ground and along the road like a bus stop 
  • Board LRT to Kaisysuan Ruetian stop C2 高雄輕軌-凱旋瑞田站C2 - 1 stop away

At the LRT Stop waiting for LRT

A unique experience, LRT travelling on ground

Looks like a beautiful railway track

Tip #2: If you have a few luggage with you, then consider hailing a taxi to the hotel instead. Kaohsiung LRT and MRT ain't linked so you have to get out of the MRT, walk to the LRT and board separately. Can be pretty confusing, not an easy feat while handling a young one and some luggage.

Just across Hoya Resort Kaohsiung

We were way too early and the room won't be ready till 3pm. Hence we deposited our luggage at the concierge and took the  LRT to Dream Mall,夢時代, 1 of the biggest mall in Kaohsiung  (3 LRT Stop away)

Sculptures outside Dream Mall.

We arrived on a Saturday and the mall is mad crowded. We didn't shop much around here other than settling our lunch and visiting the game arcade just to kill time.

We had lunch at this place which says "Tea Cuisine". Tea is used as the main ingredient in most of their dishes.

This appetiser tea is absolutely appetising!

This look like an extremely healthy meal. It was delicious too. The serving was huge and we have difficulty finishing all the food.

We walked around a little but gave up with the weekend crowd and eventually went to the games arcade to kill time. Well we do enjoy going to the games arcade and UFO catcher machines when we're in Taiwan as they cost so much lower as compared to Singapore.

This is our favourite machine in Taiwan. We've never seen this in Singapore yet. It's pretty simple to catch and you get to bring back the bouncy balls based on your catch. Kind of sure win.

It's finally time to go back and check in to our rooms. We badly need to freshen up after such a long day.

Oh yea, thats's the weekend crowd at the LRT stop..

Our room is ready. Check out our Hoya Resort Kaohsiung Review

We were pleasantly surprised by the sheer size of the room and of course, Sticky Bean is getting excited over the bunk bed with slide. 
After a rest, we went down to the Youth Market which is one of the biggest night markets in Kaohsiung to explore. 

Youth Market is indeed one of the biggest night markets we've seen with lots of food stalls and never-ending game stalls for the kids. 

This game was pretty worth it, for a fixed 100NT, your child can just sit there and fish for as long as they like. They get to exchange for a toy thereafter as well.

 Rows and rows of games and stalls

 Getting crowded

 Pretty useful to park your child there while we take turn to walk around the night market

More games. Sticky Bean affectionately calls them the "Jiayou Jiayou games"

 Hmm pig's blood! Extinct in Singapore. We had the smelly beancurd as well.

 one of sticky bean's favourite egglet

Quick Review Kaohsiung Child-Friendly Itinerary Day 1: We try to keep Day 1 really light due to the super early flight but somehow we ended the day exhausted.  Pleasant surprises came one after another. From the humongous Kids friendly accommodation at Hoya Resort to its close proximity to Youth Market (directly below) and the huge variety of stalls at the market. I have nothing to complain about for Day 1. It was as best as it can get.

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