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Our Taiwan Kids Friendly Itinerary Day 6 > Taipei Zoo > Maokong Gondola > Ximending

Day 6: Free & Easy Taipei > Taipei Zoo > Maokong Gondola > Ximending

>Taipei Zoo and Maokong Gondola 
> Ximending

I've shortlisted two alternatives today
Option 1: Visit Taipei Zoo and Maokong Gondola 
Option 2: Spend the day at Living Mall with lots of indoor playground for kids and ending the evening at Raohe Night Market

Alternative places to go if you prefer indoor activities

This is an indoor playground paradise with tonnes of option for you. Of course the ever so popular Baby Boss (like KidZania is here as well). This was on my list but we've to decide between the Zoo and the Living Mall. We ended up with Zoo and Maokong, my rationale was, indoor playground, Singapore also has so don't really want to waste a day there watching her play right?

> Living Mall 台北市松山區八德路四段138號7F(京華城購物中心), No. 138, Section 4, Level 7, Bade Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105

2) Taipei living mall Austin land 8th floor
3) TOM'S WORLD GAME ARCADE (Basement & L5)

> Visit Raohe Night Market after this, it's at Songshan Station Exit 5.

We've decided to go with Option 1 in the end since the entrance ticket to Taipei Zoo is so reasonable, you'll get a shock! Furthermore, I'd read plenty of positive reviews about Taipei Zoo and feel that the Maokong Gondola ride is worth the trip as well.
The entrance fee per adult to Taipei Zoo is at SGD2 only! And kids below the age of 7 enters for free. In fact, for most places in Taipei, it seems like they do not charge children under the age of 7. Unlike Singapore where most places will require the child to have a ticket the moment they are above 90cm or 3 years old.

How to get to Taipei Zoo?
Taipei Zoo can be easily accessed via the brown MRT line - how convenient?
We're considered to be staying in central area and it took us about 30- 40 minutes to get to Taipei Zoo via the MRT.

We took the red line from Da-An Park station which is right next to the hotel we're staying - Rido Hotel and changed train at Da An station, just one stop away.
Went to take the brown line all the way to Taipei Zoo.

The brown line is very similar to our LRT perhaps just two carriages longer and mostly run outdoors. So if you can, try to get a seat in the first cabin so you get to enjoy a 270-degree view of the city.

That's Sticky Bean playing with new friends we bumped into at the train station. 

While waiting for the train along the brown line

Taipei Zoo is just 5 minutes walk from the MRT station. Finally, we're here! It's a Saturday so not surprising the place is pretty crowded.

Strollers available for rent at a mere SGD2. We conveniently returned the stroller before taking the shuttle bus to Mao Kong Gondola without having to come back to the entrance of the zoo again.

Went to check out the amphibians and reptiles area. The food and drinks here are reasonably priced too.

The penguin statues here became a mini play area with children

dressed in our Lularoe Mommy & Me it so comfy! 

Plenty of rest stops like this with benches are available as 

This was how crowded the zoo was. Specifically, this area as there's a convenience store selling snacks and food here as well.

Weather's getting warm we took the tram to Mao Kong Gondola stop. There is a stroller rental station here so we conveniently returned the stroller here before heading off to MaoKong Gondola.

On board the tram ride to Maokong Gondola

The zoo was too huge & crowded to explore on feet hence we decided to skip the rest of the exhibits and proceed to MaoKong Gondola instead.

For those not afraid of heights, you can choose to take the crystal glass bottom cabin but there's usually a longer q for those cabins as there is only 1 crystal glass cabin for every 6 normal cabins so we skipped that.

Each cabin takes up to 8 passengers. And most of the time, you will have to share a cabin.

We didn't have to queeue for long as we opted for the normal cabins.

Enjoying her Maokong Gondola Ride

The view was breathtaking. Sticky Bean enjoyed our Maokong Gondola ride very much too. Those afraif of heights may have a slight problem here. Some of the slopes are pretty steep.

We went had lunch at this food centre and walked further up to explore the place a little. There are plenty of tea houses around here with beautiful scenery where you can enjoy a cup of tea and spend a relaxing afternoon. The air up here is so fresh and cool.

The streets and view here remind me a little of Jiufen minus the steps and climbing.

Sticky bean enjoying her packet of Ovaltine and basking in nature surround with fresh air.

On our way down on Maokong Gondola, we had a cabin to ourselves for about half the journey before another family hopped on.

Managed to capture these cute mascots on our way down.

There's still time left so we decided to head back to Taipei Zoo and explore the children area. We wanted to stay in our Maokong Gondola longer so we took the gondola all the way to the train station instead of stopping at the station within the zoo.

Photo taking along the walk back to the Taipei Zoo entrance.

Finally we're at the Children's Section of Taipei Zoo

Alpacas again!

There's a white baby Alpaca here too.

Cage kids play area.


We walked past this show theatre and the staff was recommending us to join the show even though it's ending but you'll get a chance to take a photo with the beer and the deer. That sounds cool, Sticky Bean should be elated to take a photo with a beer and a deer so we went in to watch the show.

Finally, it was time to invite the deer and bear out.

guess what...

This is the bear and the deer there are talking about! I guess they're trying to protect the animals by not having live animals in their shows. But we're so used to seeing real animals at animal shows in our Singapore Zoo. So we left, feeling a little amused. The staff was still asking us, why are we leaving without wanting to take a photo with the beer and deer. They must be puzzled.

The donkey who came so close...

It's a pity we do not get to feed any animals at Taipei Zoo. I'm not sure if they even provide such option.
It's time to make our way back to the hotel for a good rest before heading to Ximending for the night.

We're lucky to get a seat in the first cabin on our way back..yippie! Sticky Bean had fun pretending to be driving the train. That kept her well entertained through the entire journey.

We had a good rest at our hotel, went for a steamboat dinner just below our hotel and proceed to Ximending Area.
Our healthy steamboat dinner the staff claimed the soup here is a healthier version that is made from seaweed and some other bone broth hence they only serve one type of soup. The beef is pretty good though.

Again, being a Saturday evening, Ximending is madly crowded too! And really there wasn't much suitable for us so we cut short the trip.

The performance put up by this street busker is aboslutely awesome!

Sticky Bean would like to show her token of appreciation and support for this talented young man.

Oh! Absolutely love the lockers available for rent at the train station. We deposited the heavy pineapple pastries in the lockers before exploring the departmental store nearby.

Playing at the nearby departmental store

We went to the basement of the departmental store for supper and head back shortly.

A quick review of our Taiwan Child-Friendly Itinerary Day 6Another eventful day. It wasn't really preplanned that we will visit the Zoo and Maokong as my previous choice was actually to visit Living Mall and we didn't regret the decision at all!  
Worth a trip to the Zoo since entrance fee is at SGD $2 only. Strollers are available for rent at SGD2. We enjoy the fresh air at Maokong as well and there's a variety of food option available there.
Ximending's nothing much for us, as it's very much targeted at the teenagers and youth but there are plenty of food option around that area.


  1. Hi, just wanted to let you know I enjoyed reading your blog. The planning in terms of kid-centric itinerary and proximity to night markets are so much like mine I may end up just adopting your itinerary wholesale!

    1. Hello Sean, thank you so much for your kind note. It's feedback like this that gives us motivation to continue to blog.
      I'm glad that you find these information helpful.

  2. I was researching on which one to do first Maokong Gondola or the Taipei Zoo. Will be traveling with my toddler who will celebrate her 3rd birthday on our first day in Taipei. Thank you for sharing your itinerary!

  3. Your blog is very useful. Thank you so much for providing plenty of useful content. I have bookmark your blog site and will be without doubt coming back. Once again, I appreciate all your work and also providing a lot vital tricks for your readers.

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