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Our Taiwan Kids Friendly Itinerary Day 7 > Mr. Tree House > Taoyuan Airport

Day 7: Check out of Rido Hotel > Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant > Taoyuan Airport

Time flies whenever you're on vacation. We've come to our last day of our Taiwan Kids Friendly Trip.

Luckily, Singapore Airlines provide such great flight timings, our flight back is at 1720. So we basically have half a day left in Taipei. We slept in and had breakfast in the hotel, took our last soak in the bathtub and checked out only at 12 noon.
The thing about most of the hotels in Taiwan, they adhere strictly to the check out timing. If you need a late checkout, they will charge additional half a day room fee. So requests for late check outs are almost impossible.

Sticky Bean at the hotel reception with her Leofoo Village Themepark balloon, still floating after a week! 

Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant, Taiwan Review!

We left our luggage at the concierge, our driver will come by to pick the luggage up before picking us at Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant later on. Super convenient.Then we took a cab to Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant which is just less than 10 minutes drive away.

This is a must go! They have another branch Mr. Tree Main Station which is also in Da'an District - this was the one I intended to go but got confused with the Mr Tree House at another street! So we ended up at Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant, 大樹先生的家- Mr.Tree (親子餐廳. They belong to the same group and it was equally fun! 
Do remember to reserve a table way beforehand if you plan to go there. We were there on a Monday and it was almost full, luckily we managed to reserve a table via their facebook page a day before.

Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant, 大樹先生的家- Mr.Tree (親子餐廳)
Address: No. 38, Chaozhou Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
Hours: Open today · 11:30AM–2:30PM, 3–5:30PM, 6–9PM
Phone: +886 2 3393 3313

The entrance

The dining area, they have kids menu as well of course!

My beef stew set. Prices are reasonable too!

Sticky Bean couldn't wait to 'attack' the play area of course! 

Lots of good quality toys and choices here

She couldn't resist playing with the trains before jumping into the ball pit

Finally taking the plunge

The change the balls every season (quarterly) ain't this pretty

a mini ball pit at the toddlers area for the really young

I'm so in love with these kitchen play sets. They're made of really good materials and they have such a huge range of them.

Busy preparing a meal for me

Putting on 'make-up" at the dressing table

blowing her hair

Back to cooking

Look at the range of cooking toys they have! 

Very serious with her cooking

A balcony area where children can pretend to be harvesting the fruits and vegetables


Outdoor play area

Lovely sand pit with fine quality sand. They're so fine, you can dust them off the feet easily.

Water play area outdoor but weather's a bit too warm and this is under the sun so nobody's playing here

Complimentary Bouquet Making Workshop for Mothers Day Special

We were lucky, since Mothers Day is approaching, they had a complimentary bouqet making workshop for children to DIY a small bouqet of flower for their mummies!

The instructor doing an introduction

Happy to get the carnation colour of her choice 

hmm smells so good! 

Tadah the end product 

Time flies when you're having fun. We were there around 12:15 pm and soon it was 2:30pm. 15 minutes to closing, the staff will make and announcement to inform children they have the last 15 minutes to play before they close off the indoor area.

Luckily, we're still allowed to loiter at the outdoor area.

Sticky Bean playing at the outdoor playground since the indoor playground is out of bonds already.

Colouring corner

Was telling her she need to let go off the balloon cos we can't bring it on the flight with us. So she spent time hugging the balloon goodbye and sulking

Starting to miss her ah-ma already...lucky thing we're heading back Singapore in couple of hours!

Our driver picked us at Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant around 3:00pm. Even though Mr. Tree House Family Restaurant closes at 2:30 pm, they still allow us to be in their outdoor vicinity so that kept Sticky Bean well entertained whilst we wait for our driver to pick us up and head for the airport.

Cost of hiring driver:  900NT, SGD45

Finally, we're at the airport

While mummy's buying her first bubble tea in Taiwa, only at the airport.haha..

Walking to our gate

We're so lucky our boarding gate is right next to the playground. Lucky for Stickybean

Having fun while waiting for our gates to be opened.

Unfortunately, there's a technical fault and our flight was delayed for 45 minutes. Shouldn't have entered the gate so early so Sticky Bean can at least spend more time at the playground

Finally, on board the plane and in-flight entertainment is on! The flight back is a lot more pleasant with friendlier & attentive stewardess despite the flight delay. It was a 50% filled flight so that could be the reason for the attentive stewardess. One particular one even makes an effort to call Sticky Bean by the name.

Home-sweet home. Landed safely at Changi airport and waiting for our luggage

One of our poor luggage is damaged though. But being one of the top airports in the wolrd, Changi Airport provides top notch service reovery. Two days later, they came to pick the luggage for repair. But it was beyond repair hence they replaced our luggage with a brand new one.

Quick review of our Taiwan Child Friendly Itinerary Day 7 Review of the day: Good thing we engaged a driver to fetch us to the airport. We left our luggage at the hotel upon check out so we don't have to lug it with us. The driver helped to collect the luggage from the hotel before heading over to pick us.

Conclusive thoughts for our Taiwan Trip: 
It's worth engaging a driver for half of the trip as it makes travelling so much easier. We enjoyed our trip so much so that we're planning to go back to Taiwan end of the year again! Will be a good idea to visit Taiwan when the weather is cooler so that outdoor activities are much more manageable. We're lucky that the temperature dropped a little whilst we're there but on certain days in Taipei, the temperature rose to 29 degrees.
We will definitely skip the crowded night markets such as Shi Lin night market and go for the smaller, less crowded ones the next round


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